Invited critic at KTH School of Architecture, 081208

I was an invited critic in the Performative Design studio at the KTH School of Architecture. The work was quite impressive, with proposals for a Marine Biology Field Station, and a strong focus on geometry, parametric systems and fabrication. The very suggestive proposals allowed a in-depth discussion on issues of project specific system development. Other invited guests included Tim Anstey, Johanna Bruce and Mats Brodén. The studio share the site in Simrishamn with AA Dip16, but we will introduce the brief after the christmas holidays.

Excerpts from the brief:

3D print of detail from one of the proposals
3D print of detail from one of the proposals

In the context of a Marine Biology Field Station that mediates and acts as an interface between sea and land, student groups will develop a theory of superficial depth operating at multiple scales in their proposals primarily through the use, transformation and exploration of selected surface geometries. Superficial depth, a modulation of surfaces moving from the smooth and undifferentiated to those that are infused with substantive qualities, will be used to generate a series of microclimatic regions in the project. A microclimate is a local atmospheric zone where the climate differs from the surrounding area. Each group will introduce microclimates as sites of exchange in the project and each proposal will consider issues of programmatic (spatial and temporal organization), formal (pattern, texture, color, aperture, shape and mass), structural (material tolerance, load bearing capacity) and environmental (microclimatic modulation capacities, thermal, water, light and acoustic modulation) performance.

Studio Responsible: Prof. Marcelyn Gow and Prof. Ulrika Karlsson
Teacher Assistants: Jonah Fritzell and Adam Lind

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